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I have been waiting to organize a website for the work Buju Design has created since it is established. The time has come.

Hello to you all, now you can keep up with us via our new website! - Burcu.

Sorry for the messy look, but this is how the desktop becomes while working from day to night (to the next day :)). After showing up like this, I would like to talk to you

As Buju Design, our purpose is to create a pleasant mood for our clients. Consider us as your design and style consultant. Our wish is to help you out with what you need with your space, your own style and/our your upcoming events. What we really wish is to turn your space and/or yourself into the very best version, in order to reflect yourself as who you exactly are. We believe that the best feeling of the space that we are designing is created by the uniqueness in the client's being. It is our duty to bring out our client's authenticity in order to make them remember it every day.

This is why it is worth keep on doing what we are doing, despite the long working hours, not to be understood most of the times and dealing with so many various problems.

Thank you for being here and reading this. I hope to keep you updated often. If you see no updates for so long, well, that means probably there are many deadlines to meet. :)

See you soon...


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